OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2023-24
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 11
Nicosia, 11 April 2024
Dear Pia,
I was informed about the intention of Secretary General Montella to run for a second renewal of
his term-in-office in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.
Since I entered the OSCE PA, I have strived to raise certain topics on its agenda – above all the
fight against corruption in the OSCE region and the quest for stronger transparency and
accountability in politics. The post of the Special Representative was not established at that time
and Roberto had supported the idea of creating such a portfolio. I was the first OSCE Special
Representative on fighting corruption, a mandate that was reconfirmed by all subsequent
Presidents and that is now an important component of the Assembly’s work.
Taking into consideration that the OSCE PA is today a respected stakeholder on the multilateral
stage in these areas of work, establishing significant partnerships with, inter alia, GRECO, the
World Bank, the United Nations and receiving invitations and speaking roles for numerous
international conferences and events and providing a clear parliamentary added value, I have to
express my gratitude to Roberto Montella. He and his team in the International Secretariat have
been of critical importance.
Roberto has always been at the service of the political leadership of the organization, flexible and
versatile. I recognize his intention for finding compromises and for promoting new initiatives. I
therefore wish to recommend we renew Roberto’s mandate for another term, confident he will
continue to do an excellent job.
In any case, I think it is standard procedure that the Rule providing that “The Standing Committee
will set his or her duties, remuneration and conditions of employment consistent with the annual
budget” will be discussed at the coming Bureau meeting and subsequently at the Standing
Committee as foreseen, especially in view of the budget restrains that the OSCE PA is currently
1402 Nicosia, Cyprus - Tel.: +357-22407304 - Fax: +357-22668611 - Email: [email protected]
OSCE, Alm.del - 2023-24 - Bilag 11: Støtteerklæring fra Cypern vedr. forlængelse af generalsekretær Montella's embedsperiode.
At the same time, allow me to seize this opportunity to express my view that in the coming Bureau
meeting we should discuss how our Assembly will be able to focus on the multitude of challenges
that the OSCE region faces. It is generally accepted that during the past few Sessions, we
dedicate a great deal of time to discussing the impact of the Russian invasion in Ukraine. Although
I too share the view that the war in Ukraine is an issue of blatant violation of the Helsinki principles
and must be given due attention, I also believe that Mediterranean affairs need also to be more
thoroughly discussed, especially in view of the ongoing war in the Middle East and the incessant
migratory and refugee flows. In this regard, I wanted to bring to your attention that a sharp spike in
flows migrants and refugees from neighbouring countries is being recorded the last weeks, which
has significant security, economic as well as human rights aspects. I would also like to reiterate in
this context, a proposition I have already made, to organize a high-level visit to OSCE PA Partners
which are key countries in the region and especially Egypt. Furthermore, in the next few days, we
intend to send a letter to all heads of delegations of Mediterranean countries, informing them of
our aim to form an unofficial group within the OSCE PA, in order to promote our special regional
interests and enhance the efforts of the Special Representative on Mediterranean Affairs.
Additionally, I believe that the coming Bureau meeting must discuss our current budget restraints,
as well as, and perhaps more significantly, a broader plan on how any increases in our
contributions would be utilized, since transparency is of utmost importance in this regard.
Looking forward to meeting you soon, dear Pia, please accept the assurances of my highest
consideration and esteem.
Yours sincerely,
Irene Charalambides
Vice-President of the OSCE PA
Head of the Cyprus delegation to the OSCE PA
1402 Nicosia, Cyprus - Tel.: +357-22407304 - Fax: +357-22668611 - Email: [email protected]