2022-23 (2. samling)
Alm.del Bilag 5
The Committees of the Future have gathered to The World Summit of the Committees
of the Future in Helsinki on 12 – 13 October 2022. The World Summit is the first time
that parliamentary committees whose responsibilities relate to reviewing long-term
future developments have convened globally. 
In this context, the participants of the World Summit of 
the Committees of the Future 2022 state the following:
• Achieving peace and a balance between the wellbeing
of the people and that of the planet require increased
future-orientation in decision-making. Parliaments
are the most appropriate institutions to support this.
• Committees of the Future are a tool for parliaments
and their members to increase the future-orientation
in decision-making. Committees of the Future review
phenomena, developments and alternatives that
could be relevant for the future and relate these to
• Phenomena driving the future development of countries
are often transnational. Inter-parliamentary and
inter-cultural futures dialogue is therefore useful for
recognising emerging challenges and common interests.
It is also a means to learn about new ways to do
futures-related work in different parliaments.
• The Committees of the Future continue to meet in
World Summits of the Committees of the Future.  
• Committees of the Future encourage the creation
of new committees of the future as well as other
mechanisms to support future-oriented
decision-making in parliaments around the world.
• Any committee of the future can host a World Summit
of the Committees of the Future. The World Summits
will be arranged every October.
• The next host will be decided in each World Summit.
• The host of the next official World Summit of
the Committees of the Future will be Uruguay 2023.
• The committee that hosts the World Summit can freely
design the agenda of the meeting and to invite any 
committee of the future, including new entrants.
• We encourage the Committees of the Future to stay
actively in touch with each other between the World
Summits – the next possibilities being “The Future of
the World Congress ” in Vilnius, Lithuania 12 – 13 May 2023
and the “Congress of the Future 2023”, Santiago,
Chile in 16 – 22 January 2023.
Participants of the World Summit of the Committees of the Future 2022
Committee of the Future, Parliament of Finland – Eduskunta
Committee of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, Parliament of Austria
The House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry and Technology, Parliament of Canada
Committee of the Future, Science, Technology and Innovation, National Congress of Chile
Economic Affairs Committee, Parliament of Estonia – Riigikogu
The Future Committee, Parliament of Iceland – The Althing
Committee for the Future, Parliament of Lithuania - Seimas
ICT Committee and Future’s Committee, Congress of Paraguay – Congreso
Committee of Sustainable Development Goals, Innovation and Futures Thinking, Congress of the Philippines
Committee for Digitalisation, Innovation and Modern Technology, Parliament of Poland – Sejm
Committee of Science, Technology, Research and Innovation, National Assembly of Thailand
The Special Futures Committee, General Assembly of Uruguay
Committee for Science, Technology and Environment, National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam