Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2021-22
UPN Alm.del Bilag 350
august 2022
danish support
for ukraine
Pursuant to resounding worldwide condemnation of Russia’s illegal invasion of
Ukraine and together with our partners and allies in the EU and NATO,
strongly condemns Russia’s ongoing brutal, unjustifiable and unprovoked war
against Ukraine.
It constitutes a gross violation of international law, brings
immense suffering to the people of Ukraine and is an attack on the international
rule-based order and our democratic values. Denmark is fully behind Ukrainian
sovereignty and territorial integrity, as protected by the UN Charter.
Denmark fully supports and works to maintain the broad, cross-regional alliance in
defence of Ukraine’s sovereignty
as stipulated in the Uniting for Peace resolution.
Denmark has launched active outreach internationally in order to build and maintain a
broad and united approach towards Russia’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s
aggression in Ukraine is not only a matter for Europe, but for the world. The war
exacerbates already existing global challenges. A long-term defender of multilateral
cooperation, Denmark will continue to defend the UN Charter, strengthen the
multilateral system and mitigate the derivative consequences of the war in Ukraine in
cooperation and solidarity.
Together with our partners and friends in the EU we have adopted massive and
unprecedented sanctions against Russia.
We have provided military support to the
Ukrainian armed forces through
the European Peace Facility totalling 2.5 billion EUR
date; granted
EU candidate status
to Ukraine; rendered
humanitarian support totalling
348 million EUR
financial support totalling 1.2 billion EUR
to date. In addition,
Denmark has seconded nine civil experts to Ukraine, eight to the EU Advisory Mission in
Ukraine and one to OSCE Ukraine, to assist with stabilisation and crisis management in
the country, financed by Denmark’s Peace and Stabilisation Response.
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 350: Faktaark om den danske indsats i Ukraine
danish support for ukraine
august 2022
Denmark shows solidarity with Ukraine through multifaceted and long-term support
provided bilaterally and in concert with our partners and allies. Since the outbreak of the
war, Danish support to Ukraine amounts to
more than 400 million EUR in military
spending and 90 million EUR in civilian, including humanitarian contributions.
Some of
Danish focus areas
are military support, humanitarian and acute support, budget
support, accountability, mine clearance, protection of women and children,
reconstruction – special partnership with Mykolaiv and anti-corruption.
danish support for ukraine
403.2 million EUR
Military support
in decided military support. Measured per capita and as a
percentage of GDP, this places Denmark among the top
contributors of military support to Ukraine.
humanitarian and
acute support
56 million EUR.
This makes Denmark the second largest per capita government
donor - and the largest per capita donor within the EU.
20 million EUR
through the World Bank to support public social service
expenditures including salaries for teachers, health care workers
and pensions. This places Denmark among the top ten countries
in terms of macro-financial support to the Ukrainian state.
financial support
41.9 million EUR
of additional financial support is forthcoming with a loan
guarantee through the World Bank.
13.4 million EUR
for a first support package for acute reconstruction
13.4 million EUR
allocated for health related donations
94,000 EUR
for the International Criminal Court
506 million EUR
in total
has been allocated since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Additional
41.9 million EUR are forthcoming in form of a loan guarantee
through the World Bank.
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 350: Faktaark om den danske indsats i Ukraine
danish support for ukraine
august 2022
Military Support
Denmark is strongly committed to support Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against
Russian military aggression. The total value of decided Danish military support to
Ukraine amounts to 403.2 million EUR. Measured per capita and as a percentage of GDP,
this places Denmark among the top contributors of military support to Ukraine.
Denmark has provided substantial lethal and non-lethal military support to Ukraine in
terms of weapons, equipment and other military assistance – support, which is making a
real difference for Ukraine’s ability to defend itself on the battlefield. Denmark is
continuously looking at ways to further increase our assistance in order to meet
evolving Ukrainian military requirements, and hosted a conference on 11 August to
increase and sustain military donations, training and demining.
Humanitarian Support
Denmark has provided 56 million EUR in humanitarian and acute support in response to
the war in Ukraine. This makes Denmark the second largest per capita government
donor and the largest per capita donor within the EU. Support has been provided
through the UN system and civil society actors with a presence in and around Ukraine.
Danish funding is based on humanitarian needs and in addition, special attention is
currently given to a) humanitarian mine action, b) winterization and shelter, and c)
protection of women and girls against sexual and gender-based violence.
Financial support
Denmark supports upholding critical government functions and the continuance of
critical social services. Denmark has supported Ukraine with a grant of 20 million EUR
through the World Bank to support public social service expenditures including salaries
for teachers, health care workers and pensions. Additional financial support is
forthcoming with a loan guarantee of 41.9 million EUR through the World Bank.
The Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and Ukrainian President Zelensky have
agreed that Denmark will take on a special role in the reconstruction of the city of
Mykolaiv. Denmark has donated a first support package of 13.4 million EUR for acute
reconstruction. This mainly aims at preparing Mykolaiv and others for the coming
winter. It has been agreed with the leadership of Mykolaiv that the Danish long-term
cooperation will focus on Danish strongholds, experiences and technologies. This covers
areas such as green transition, water supply, shipping, transportation, infrastructure,
good governance and business development.
Health donations
Denmark has donated 13.4 EUR worth of life-saving medical supplies. This includes
medicine, vaccines, medical devices, and Personal Protective Equipment.
Denmark initiated the Group of Friends for Accountability following the Aggression
against Ukraine in March 2022. Denmark was among 41 states referring the situation in
Ukraine to the International Criminal Court and has supported the Court through both
financial contributions and personnel secondment. Danish national authorities have
established procedures to obtain evidence from Ukrainian victims who have fled to
UPN, Alm.del - 2021-22 - Bilag 350: Faktaark om den danske indsats i Ukraine
danish support for ukraine
august 2022
Support to displaced persons
Denmark has welcomed approximately 30,000 displaced persons from Ukraine. The
Danish parliament has adopted a Special Act ensuring temporary residence permit for
persons displaced from Ukraine – which largely mirrors the EU Temporary Protection
directive. The Act expedites access to the labor market and welfare services such as
healthcare, daycare and education while staying in Denmark.
Denmark is implementing and co-funding the EU Anti-Corruption Support Program in
Ukraine, the EUACI. The budget for 2020-2024 is 22.4 million EUR, incl. 7.9 million EUR
contributed by Denmark. The aim is to support the key anti-corruption state institutions;
strengthening oversight of reform implementation by Parliament; and at regional and
local levels supporting civil society, investigative media, business and local governments.
EUACI has a particular focus on promoting integrity, transparency and accountability of
reconstruction aid. Recently, Mykolaiv has become an Integrity City of the EUACI with
the aim to develop best practices in this field.
Support for developing a sustainable Ukraine
117.6 million EUR has been allocated under the Danish Neighbourhood Programme for
the period 2022-2026 to initiatives in Ukraine, Georgia, Belarus and Moldova - Ukraine
being the main beneficiary. The focus is on continued development of democracy and
human rights, sustainable growth, green transition and increased energy independence.
In addition to that, 22 million EUR for the period 2022-2025 has been allocated to
initiatives focused on eastern Ukraine under the Danish Ukraine Peace and Stabilisation
Programme. Further, Denmark has allocated 23.3 million EUR for ongoing upgrades of
public water, sanitation and energy infrastructure for the period 2020-2024, and
currently has active loans and investments in Ukraine of 44.2 million EUR through
Denmark’s Investment Fund for Developing Countries.
Leading role in addressing global consequences of the war
The Prime Minister of Denmark is appointed by the UN Secretary General as one of six
Global Champions for the Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy and Finance.
The Crisis Response Group is analysing and providing recommendations addressing the
consequences of the war in Ukraine. The role of Denmark is to focus on the energy
crisis, with a starting point in the Danish experience and expertise within green
transition of the energy sector. The Prime Minister will facilitate and promote global
solutions to the crisis in a variety of fora and contexts. Denmark also works to address
food global insecurity in the context, of the Global Crisis Group as well as other
initiatives such as the German initiated G-7 initiative ”Global Alliance for Food Security”.
Strengthened defence cooperation
From the outset of Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine, Denmark contributed rapidly and
substantially to NATO’s deterrence and reassurance measures including by deploying
around 1,000 troops to the Baltic Sea Region, while taking decisive steps to increase our
defence expenditures towards 2 pct. within the next Defence Agreement. The Danish
decision to fully participate in the European cooperation on security and defence by
abolishing the opt-out concerning EU Common Security and Defence Policy will,
together with Finland and Sweden’s upcoming membership of NATO, further strengthen
our security cooperation with our Nordic and European allies. Denmark was among the
very first NATO Allies to ratify the NATO-membership of our Nordic neighbours.